

An altar, by definition, is a table or flat surface used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for sacrifices or offerings to a deity. They are most notably found in shrines, temples, and churches. But they are also used by many Pagans/Witches/Spiritual People to help with their rituals, or just to keep up in their houses. Back when we started practicing, we were in high school, and I wasn’t allowed to have any “demonic paraphernalia” because I lived in a Christian household. My mother absolutely hated the fact that I went from being a good Christian girl to a devil worshipper overnight seemingly. Which still never made sense because my mother’s best friend in high school was pagan and who taught us for a long time.  

Our altar was at Safire’s and got set up and taken down for ritual use only. We got lucky because starting out we got treated by my father, who is a Freemason, and his wife at the time, who was also a pagan, let us pick out some generic herbs and some altar things so we had some things to learn with which was awesome. We were also lucky, and we got a set of House of Night Pillar Candle back when they were available.  

We’d get small things like crystals, or we’d make our own statues out of air-dry clay. We do still have everything, but now that we’re adults with adult money and no longer live with our parents, we have been able to buy more expensive things to put on our altar. So now we have a very nice altar, I think. Well, to be technical, we have 5 shelves in our entertainment center that we now use as altar display. All our statues and crystals and such are nicely arranged, and everything is just really aesthetically pleasing.  

Now having an actual altar isn’t necessary at all, all you need to do any kind of magic is just yourself, but having tools can be helpful and displaying everything on an altar gets me into the witchy mood and gives off the magical vibes.  

There are absolutely no set rules to altars either. You can make them however you want. I’ve seen them inside Altoids cans with tiny tools or massive wall shelving units that just ooze magic. Whatever you want to use it, however you want to decorate your altar wherever you put an altar, it’s all yours to do. Everyone’s altar is different and personalized and that’s beautiful. 

Do you have an altar set up in your home? If so, send us some pictures of it if you don’t mind! 

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Hey, I’m Serenity, or Marissa. I’ve been a practicing pagan for about 14 years, but as young as I can remember I’ve always loved to learn about other Religions, Mystical Creatures, Cryptids, Aliens. My thing is expanding your intuition. I love pulling tarot and oracle, using pendulums and dowsing rods. I adore living in the vibrations of being connected. I am the creative backbone of Nyx’s Grove. I am striving to be an artist, I love making jewelry and pretty, shiny things to bring some color and beauty to everyone’s space.
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