Deity Deep Dive: Exploring the Legend of Lilith


Who is Lilith? Well, honestly, it depends on who you ask. There are several mentions of Lilith throughout history and mythology. Namely in Judaic mythology.  

The legend of Lilith developed extensively during the Middle Ages. Interpretations can be found all over the world. the Jewish interpretations are the most common, mainly because there was very little information that survived from the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian traditions.  

The most common version of Lilith, or the most notorious version, would be the story of Lilith and Adam. In this version of the creation story, God makes Adam and Lilith at the same time out of the same mud. Lilith, being Adam’s first wife before Eve, is made from Adam’s rib. But she was banished from the Garden of Eden because she refused to be subservient to Adam.  

In Hebrew texts, the term “Lilith” first occurs in a list of animals in Isaiah 34. This however does not appear in the more modern versions of the Bible. Most depictions of Lilith are of a dark figure that is highly sexual and will steal babies in the dark of night. A dangerous demon of Hell. Other depictions see her as a goddess in her own right, and people worship her for her open sexuality and demand of being equal. 

Several Jewish artifacts from the 6th century have been found that depict Lilith as a demonic figure, they hold magical inscriptions of protection from her.  

Lilith is also referred to as the mother of demons. It is said that she bore hundreds of thousands of children with demons and monsters. It is also said that her children we mostly sired by the archangel Samael. Samael being often referred to as the modern Satan or fallen angel. 

In one telling, the Alphabet of Ben Sirach, Lilith is described as Adams first wife. She was made as his equal. In this telling Adam refuses to let Lilith be equal sexually and she leaves him. When God finds out, he sends 3 angels after her to bring her back to Adam or be cursed to lose 100 of her children daily. It is in this interaction with the angels that Lilith declares control over all children born.  

Eventually she is persuaded to make a compromise with the angels that if any child born is wearing an amulet that depicts either the images or names of the 3 angels, Lilith will leave them be. 

In my own experiences, I have worked with Lilith on several occasions throughout my tenure as a witch. She has always acted like a mother to me. Sometimes a little too literal for comfort honestly. But I think I can safely say that she has always had my best interest in mind when I have worked with her. 

From what I have learned from working with her do actually line up pretty well with the Alphabet telling of Lilith. She refused to submit to Adam sexually and ran off from the garden. It was there she would have met Samael, or Lucifer depending on which way you want to look at it. Lilith bore several children with Samael. Opposed to the telling that she would harm the children being born, she was actually a protector of women and children. During labor if women called out to her, she would help them through the process of childbirth.  

To this day, I still associate Lilith with Samael. In all actuality, aside from Nyx and Erebus, I would choose Lilith and Lucifer as my patron deities along with Hecate.  

Have you ever worked with Lilith before? Have you heard about these tellings of her? If so, let us know in the comments below! 

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