Sometimes, that feels like the million-dollar question. Do you need to have a coven to be a witch? Short answer, no. You absolutely do not need a coven to be considered a witch, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. But of course, you’re not here for short answers. So, let’s get a little more in-depth with the coven topic.
First off, what is a coven? A coven in its basic form is a group of like-minded people. Generally speaking, covens are normally people who would call themselves as witches, or other spiritually inclined people. For the purpose of this post, I will be referring to people as witches to keep things simple. Covens normally consist of three or more people, who rely on each other to help better themselves and their craft. Magically speaking, having a coven can be useful when doing magic. Having more people put their energies into spell work or rituals can help make them stronger. That being said, covens are not necessary.
So, if you’re not going to be in a coven, what are you going to do? Witches that are not in coven would be considered solitary practitioners. I have seen many people online. They try to claim that joining a coven is necessary to be considered a witch. Many believe this is true; however, it’s not. They’re wrong. You don’t need to do anything that you don’t feel necessary to be a witch. If that means being the lone wolf and practicing your craft by yourself, so be it. Solitary Practitioners can do everything that a coven can do. They have the ability to do it on their own terms. They set their own pace without worrying about what the rest of the group think.
In my opinion, both being in a coven and being solitary have their benefits. I can’t say that I have really ever been solitary. Marissa and I have been together the entire time we have been on this path. While there have been periods of time when we weren’t in a coven, we’ve always had each other. We could always lean on each other when it came to our craft. Personally, I love working magic with multiple people. Being in a ritual where everyone feels the energies pulsing through the space is an amazing feeling. But I’m also very much so an instinctual witch. So having the ability to freely work magic when I feel the need to is nice too.
In closing, do you need to be a part of a coven to be considered a witch? Absolutely not. Does it help sometimes? Yes, it can. Are you any less of a witch if you practice solitary? Not in the slightest. In my opinion, being a solitary witch can make you stronger in your craft. It can also help you gain a more personal connection to your deities, if you work with them.
So don’t let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t do when it comes to your craft. It’s not their choice. It’s yours. The only thing that matters is what you think will help you and your growth. Remember that every artist or creator’s journey is unique, shaped by individual experiences and perspectives. Embrace the freedom of exploration within your discipline. Experiment with different techniques. Don’t shy away from making mistakes, as they often lead to the most profound insights. Seek guidance if you like. Trust your intuition above all. You truly understand your vision. You know what inspires you to keep moving forward.
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