Safire’s Magick: Full Moon Manifestation Ritual

So, while trying to figure out what I wanted to write about, I figured I would write out the ritual that we tend to do on Full Moons. We tend to do a manifestation ritual on the full moon to help bring a desired outcome over the next couple weeks or more. I can’t necessarily speak to what Saffire and Terra try to manifest, but for me, I tend to manifest things like financial security, health, happiness, things like that. And of course, depending on the situations that going on at the time there will be more specific things I want to manifest.  

For this, you’ll want to follow the same basic ritual outline I used for the Simple Purification Ritual. Both rituals could be done at the same time! You could simply add the manifestation part to the purification ritual. You would purify everything then do the spell work to manifest your desires.  

Gathering tools necessary for this ritual: 

  • A cauldron or some form of fire safe bowl. This could also be done with a small fire pit 
  • Any herbs you feel correlate to what you are trying to manifest. These will be going in the bottom of the cauldron. Without knowing specific intent, it would almost be impossible to list which ones you should use. And the ones we use tend to change every time. 
  • Your desired altar set up. This can really be anything you want it to be. Our altars tend to be set up the same every month, but that doesn’t mean things won’t change slightly here and there. (If you want an idea of how we tend to set up our altar, I went over it more in depth in the ritual linked above, and the cover photo for this post is actual a photo from one of our more recent Full Moon rituals.) 
  • Sage. Like I have said before, I tend to use sage to clean the space, whether it is a smudge stick or the spray I made, one way or another, sage tends to always be used in some form. For this specifically, I broke up one of our smudge sticks and put some of it in the cauldron for an incense.  
  • Paper and pen. I tend to half the paper, it makes it easier, but if you have a lot to write, using the full sheet will be fine. You will want to have anyone that is taking part in the ritual to write down whatever they want to manifest into their lives on their own paper then fold it up.  
  • Lighter or some form of way to light the paper on fire. I tend to light them on our Spirit candle.  

Once you have everything gathered and set up in a way you feel works for you and your magic, it’s time to start getting yourself ready for the ritual/magic. This can be anything from going to the bathroom, taking a shower, meditating, whatever you need to do to get into the mood and mindset you need to work magic.  

Like I said earlier, this ritual is going to closely follow the other rituals I have posted in the past. To start, I would call the circle around my space, then call in the elements and whatever deities we would be working with.  

Once the ritual space has been opened and everything called in, you can use this time to incorporate the purification ritual if you choose too, but it is not necessary. For us, I would tend to do some form of cleaning or purification for the space and whoever is involved in the ritual.  

After that, I would start the manifesting part. I take each piece of paper and bless it over the elemental candles, and the candles for the god and goddess. Asking each one to bless the intention and help it become true. Once all the papers have been consecrated, I will then start the process of putting them in the cauldron.  

*This is a warning, DO NOT do this if you are not comfortable with fire. DO NOT do this if you aren’t prepared to deal with the dangers of playing with said fire. This can be completely safe if done correctly, but if you aren’t sure what you are doing, DO NOT DO IT. Research and try again later. This spell can always be adjusted to not including the live fire* 

At one point I did try to stick a specific spoken spell into the ritual while burning the paper, but it never actually felt right when I did, so it fizzled out quickly. So, what I do is after they are all consecrated, I will light them one by one on the spirit candle and let them burn in the cauldron before starting on the next one. Once all the papers have been burned, I will say something like: 

“Let the smoke from this fire carry our intents to the universe so that what we ask for can come true!” 

After all the paper is burnt and the smoke starts to stop, you can start to close the ritual if you choose. If you don’t want to end the ritual yet, that is up to you. You can always take this time to meditate or do anything else you want to do while in the ritual. For us, we generally do a quick offering and then end the ritual following the same basic outline as the other rituals.  

So, what do you think of this ritual? My brain is struggling with the fact that I didn’t fully type everything out… But I really don’t want to make you all read the same thing repeatedly… Let me know in the comments below what you think of this ritual! And share it with your friends!  

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