Safire’s Thoughts on Black Magic

I thought this week we could talk about magic. More specifically, Black Magic.  

DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion on black magic. There really isn’t any form of textbook to teach you this, nor should anyone claim that their opinions on the matter should be the final word. Everyone’s path is different. 

I would assume some of you will know what black magic is, but for those of you that don’t know what it is, black magic is spells or rituals that have more of a negative connotation to them. These would be your curses, hexes, or anything you do that would intentionally cause harm or hardship to another person, place, or thing. In most cultures, this is frowned upon. Especially in faiths that follow the three-folds-law, or Karma in general. They tend to think that what you put out in the world will come back to you either just as hard, or harder. That is why in a lot of Pagan faiths, you will generally be told to avoid performing black magic or using magic to harm/hurt another person.  

That being said, there are some reasons that could warrant using black magic, again, this is just my opinion, and for the most part, this should be completely up to the person responsible for performing the magic. But black magic could be useful in some situations. I personally have used it and will probably use it again. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes black magic would be completely inappropriate to use. You shouldn’t be cursing people because they minorly inconvenienced you. There should be a legitimate, thought-out reason behind any form of magic, but especially black magic.  

Caution should always be used when thinking about using any form of magic, but especially black magic. This should not be something that you jump right into doing. You need to research what you are trying to do, BEFORE doing it. You should never go into a ritual or magical setting without at least having the basic knowledge of what could happen. Spells can backfire. Spells that aren’t specific enough can and will work in the complete opposite way you wanted. Just look at Terra’s experience with blood magic. It can go wrong, and you need to be prepared to handle it if it does. Plus, you need to think through whatever situation has brought you to the topic of black magic. Is this situation something that you aren’t going to worry about in a couple of months? Is this person just passing through your life and you won’t even remember them in a couple of years? Do you really want to potentially ruin the other person’s life because of something they might have done to you? Research and thinking through the entire situation should happen before you even come close to stepping into any form of magic. 

As I said before, I have done black magic. I thought it was right for the situation then, and I still do now. But is every situation in my life going to be fixed with magic? God no. And I don’t want it to be. We as humans need some form of bad experiences and painful lessons, that is how we grow. I personally don’t see a color (shade?) when it comes to magic. Good and evil is a manmade concept. Magic is magic. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand the potential dangers magic can bring. I’ve done my fair share of research on magic and rituals. I’ve seen what happens when “darker” magic goes wrong, and it’s hard as hell to try and fix.  

I say all this, not because I want to scare you away from practicing magic, of any form, but because I want to make sure if you leave this blog with one thing, it’s knowing that doing your own research on things, Pagan or otherwise, is important. Don’t base your opinions on something other people tell you to do. It is your craft, and your life. Live it how you want to.  

So, have you done any “black” magic? Would you do any? Let me know in the comments below! 

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