
Sapphire’s Experience with Blood Magic

I would like to share with everyone an experience I had when I was first starting my magic journey. When Safire, his wife, and I were still going to the weekly class at a shop we used to frequent I had my first run in with blood magic. We think the consequences of said blood magic are still haunting me years later. 

We were making spell candles. There were maybe 8 or so people all together, all at different points in their journeys. I don’t remember much about details anymore, but I do remember my candle was intended for attracting love. That was mistake number one. About halfway through one of the other people there, who also happened to be a prodigy, thought it’d be a great idea to suggest adding a drop of blood. The thought was that it would help strengthen our intentions and tie the magic to ourselves better. Great in theory. Everyone ended up poking their fingers and adding a little blood. That was my second mistake. 

I don’t remember how long after it was, but I ended up lighting, and therefore activating, that love attraction, blood infused candle. Third mistake. 

A friend of mine, who I had briefly dated a few years prior, suddenly became completely obsessed with me. We’d gotten to be close friends, spending half the school day together at a Vo-Ed school, but something in the way he acted towards me changed, and he started getting outwardly jealous about where my attention was, and he was seemingly trying to bribe me into dating him again? I don’t remember fully, but there was a change in behavior and in the vibe, he gave off. 

We tried to fix it when we figured out what was probably causing it, but I’m still honestly not sure it completely worked. He chilled out yeah, but to this day he still showers me with various gifts, he usually plans for food when we hang out, even when it includes my husband and toddler, and I just question if maybe some of the effects are still there. 

This experience taught me two things: love magic is bs until it’s dangerous, and blood magic is not for amateurs. This incident made me terrified of most magic for a very long time. I’m still very wary of blood magic, but I’m willing to do some simple stuff with it now. I still won’t do love magic though. 

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Hi, I’m SapphireFae

Nice to meet you, I’m Sapphire! I’ve been a practicing witch for a decade now. My path brings me closest to the Norse pantheon of deities, most especially Lady Freyja. Tarot is my calling as a witch, and I also dabble in spell bottles. I’m in a happy polyamorous relationship with Safire, Serenity, and one other. We work together to raise our 5 children, and take care of a number of beloved pets.

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