Altar Tools

Altar Tools

The post discusses various tools and decorations for altars, including wands, athames, cauldrons, crystals, incense, offering bowls, and bells, elaborating on their uses, symbolic elements, and material variations.


An altar is used in religious rituals and can be found in various settings. The author describes their personal experience with altars, evolving from simple setups to more elaborate displays, emphasizing the personalization and versatility of altars in spiritual practices. Do you have an altar? Share pictures!


The post discusses various meditation techniques, including mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, transcendental, progressive relaxation, loving-kindness, and visualization. Each technique differs in focus and potential benefits, ranging from stress relief to spiritual connection. The author shares personal experiences and suggests meditation can improve mental health and promote better sleep.
The 10 Commandments of Mother Earth

The 10 Commandments of Mother Earth

While searching for blog content, the author discovered the "10 Commandments of Mother Earth," written by Ernest Callenbach in 1990. These principles emphasize honoring and preserving Earth, advocating sustainable living, and acknowledging our impact on the planet. The author shared them, despite some personal disagreements, believing they are broadly applicable and essential for Earth's conservation.
The 4th Face of the God and Goddess

The 4th Face of the God and Goddess

While exploring Pagan themes through a book, I discovered the notion of a fourth divine aspect, the Child, adding to the conventional Triple God/Goddess framework. This aspect symbolizes youthful innocence and learning, suggesting divinity should also reflect childhood, enriching traditional depictions which typically portray deities as ageless entities.
The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede serves as a moral compass for Wiccans, summarized by "An ye harm none, do what ye will." Originating around the 1960s and adapted in various texts and forms, its interpretation and adherence vary among practitioners, reflecting personal beliefs and coven requirements.
One Card at a Time

One Card at a Time

The post reveals the author's enthusiasm for exploring tarot's symbolism, motivated by a new friend, Dianite. It outlines tarot basics, ethical considerations, deck structure, and personal connections to the craft. The author invites readers to join their journey and support their tarot-themed shop.