The 13 Goals of a Witch by Scott Cunningham

So, this week I wanted to share something different with you. Years ago, when we were still in the coven with Topaz (Oh, yeah, we figured out that the friend we used to visit and who taught us at first wants to be referred to as Topaz! Lol), she shared this with all of us from her book of shadow.  

This is the 13 Goals of a Witch by Scott Cunningham, which he wrote in his book, “Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner” 

  1. Know yourself 
  1. Know your craft (Wicca) 
  1. Learn 
  1. Apply knowledge with wisdom 
  1. Achieve balance 
  1. Keep your words in good order 
  1. Keep your thoughts in good order 
  1. Celebrate life 
  1. Attune with the cycles of the Earth 
  1. Breathe and eat correctly 
  1. Exercise the body 
  1. Meditate 
  1. Honor the Goddess and God 

I personally think some of these are really good things to live and work towards in life. Some of them are slightly self-explanatory, but still. And I’m not saying that all of this is something EVERYONE should work towards, but some of them could definitely help a lot of people.  

So, what do you think about Scott Cunningham’s 13 Goals of a Witch? Let us know in the comments below.  

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