The Basics of Blood Magic

I have told you all about how blood magic went wrong for me, so I decided to explain “proper” blood magic. Some think it’s evil, dark, Black magic that should never be touched. I, myself used to think that too, but after doing proper research it doesn’t seem so bad anymore. 

Blood is very powerful. It holds your life energy, and some believe it can hold bits of your soul. Using blood in spell work or a ritual not only connects the donor on a deep level to the magic, but also gives a huge boost in power. Many, including myself, don’t recommend using blood to curse or hex someone, because it can come back on you even harder than it would otherwise. I personally also don’t recommend using blood in love spells, mostly because that ended up biting me in the ass. But as with all things your craft is yours alone, do what you feel you must. (Though I would like to reiterate the “do as ye will, but harm none” thing) 

There are a lot of ways to get blood. Most are stupid, and some are illegal. When using your own blood, it is recommended to just prick your finger, a little goes a long way, and it is not safe to cut yourself with a knife or razor blade. If you want to use someone else’s blood, you first need their consent (duh), and I would let them prick themselves and deal with the blood, because of sanitary reasons. Some people also use animal blood, gotten “ethically” when hunting for food (I think?). There are also numerous blood substitutes you can use, which as far as I can tell is any red liquid. At the end of the day intent is what it all comes down to, blood or no, and all the extra energy does is amplify that intent. 

I feel I need to also give the disclaimer to not be stupid. Do not slit your wrist or cut near veins or arteries. Always use sterile tools, clean the area before and after, and keep any wound clean through the healing process. If you’re like me, and struggle with self-harm, it is very unwise to do blood magic, it can cause relapse or become an excuse to keep doing it. Do not take blood from an unwilling person, it can muddle your intent with negativity. Do not kill an animal just to get blood for a spell, again can taint intent.  

Now then, how do you use blood magic? Once you get your blood in a smart, “ethical” way you can really use it like any other tool. Put a couple drops in an herb mixture and bottle it or burn it. Write your spell or intent on some paper and put a drop or two on the paper and burn it or put it somewhere the blood won’t transfer to anything else (again, sanitation concerns). The sky is really the limit, but with the added concern for hygiene, and the fact it gives a massive boost in power you must be careful and make damn sure you do your research to prevent anything going wrong. I put blood on a candle and lit it. There is another post on here that tells the story of that fiasco. 

As with all magical things, be safe, be smart, and please be kind. The three-fold rule is very daunting without a blood boost, with one it can be catastrophic. I probably still won’t use it much, too much risk of using it as an excuse to fall back into old habits, but I don’t see anything wrong with using blood in spell work to give it a boost. 

What do you think? Will you try it? Have you tried it? What is your experience? 

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