The Basics of Ritual Bathing

The Basics of Ritual Bathing

Topaz here, today I would love to talk about the sacred act of ritual bathing before a ritual or performing magick of some sort. Not everybody does it, but for me it is a sacred act of washing away the negativity and purifying yourself to stand in front of the God and Goddess clean and ready for magick and devotion. The act of sacred bathing puts you in a meditative state, aligns your chakras and opens your third eye. When you see the physical act of the water draining out of the tub, you visualize the negativity going down the drain. One thing I do for a bathing ritual is I make the bath super special by using things in the tub ruled by what kind of ritual I am doing. For instance, for a full moon ritual bath I use things ruled by the full moon. Such as the lemon, I slice a lemon to float in the water. I also use full moon soap that I make that includes Jasmine essential oil and cucumber fragrance oil, both of which are ruled by the full moon. The soap is a pearly iridescent white to mimic the full moon. Lastly, I add Jasmin flowers to the bath and sea salt. I make full moon soaps, new moon soap and sabbat soaps, as well as a collection of magick soap such as money drawing soap. If you’re interested in knowing a recipe or purchasing, get in touch, drop a line, and enjoy sacred ritual bathing. 

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Hello! I'm Topaz or Lisa! I'm a 52 year old practicing Witch. My affinity is Earth. I was introduced to this path at the age of 18 by my stepmother. My favorite thing to do is divine with playing cards and stones. I make magical soaps and candles, love to make jewelry. I also love astrology and all forms of the zodiac.
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