Hello everyone. This past weekend, I was doing something with Zephyr. It caused me to look into the different types of Wicca. (Don’t worry, you’ll see soon what we have up our sleeves.) It made me realize, while yes, I know there are a bunch of different branches of Wicca, I didn’t realize how many of them were pretty much the same thing with a different name. I always assumed I would find some major difference if I ever looked into all the different types. But apparently that is not the case. So below is a very brief overview of what I found when I was looking everything up.
Gardnerian Wicca
Gardnerian Wicca is probably the most known path of Wicca. It was founded by Gerald Gardner around the 1950s. Gerald Gardner is considered the founder of modern Wicca/Witchcraft because Gardnerian Wicca is the most mainstream path of Wicca. This was also the first tradition of Wicca to be out publicly, and not keeping their practices in the dark. Gardnerian Wicca tends to emphasize the goddess more than the god. This emphasis is paralleled in the roles of the High Priest and High Priestess. Gardnerian Wicca tends to work in secrecy. No one who hasn’t been initiated into the coven is allowed to know what happens in the coven. Even some of the members that have been initiated aren’t told unless they are a high enough rank. To join this path of Wicca, a person needs an initiation. Another member of the Gardnerian path must carry out this initiation.
Alexandrian Wicca
Alexandrian Wicca was heavily influenced by Gardnerian Wicca. The main difference is that Alexandrian focused more on equality between the god and the goddess. There is also a heavy emphasis on performing ceremonial magic on the Esbats and Sabbats. Just like Gardnerian, to join the Alexandrian path, you need to be initiated into the coven. This must be done by someone currently practicing Alexandrian Wicca.
Seax Wicca
Seax Wicca, which was founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973. Buckland was an English-born high priest of Gardnerian Wicca. He moved to the United States in the 70s when he founded his own path of Wicca. Seax was different from Gardnerian because it focuses more on Germanic Deities and runes for divination. And that the rituals performed by Seax Wiccans has a tradition of being public, many of which were published. Buckland encouraged his practitioners to add or change the rituals as they saw fit. He believed that there was no single set of regulations for this tradition. Unlike Gardnerian and Alexandrian, Seax traditions are not restricted to only being covens, this can be for solitary and covens.
Dianic Wicca
Dianic Wicca, which is fairly close to Gardnerian, just with a major difference. Lol. Dianic Wicca emerged from the feminist movement. It focuses solely on the feminine side of the craft and the goddess. This path is strictly meant to be followed by women. Unfortunately, that notion sometimes only includes people born female. It doesn’t include anyone who has transitioned to female. That being said, there are groups out there that are more than accepting of all types of people.
Dianic Wiccans also follow the typical Wiccan Sabbats. They just pull the masculine out of the process. They follow the triple goddess. Which to me seems impossible. I personally don’t see how you pull the masculine out of the wheel of the year. But that’s just me.
Eclectic Wicca
Eclectic Wicca can also be referred to as neowiccan traditions. Eclectic Wicca is a blend of several different types of traditions. Aside from Gardnerian, Eclectic is probably the most common type of Wicca because it is essentially a build-your-own religion. That’s what makes it a good choice for a lot of people.
This isn’t the entire path of Wicca. Yet, it’s a good starting point for anyone trying to find a path that fits for them.
I am not an expert in any of this. However, I have a genuine interest in exploring the various beliefs and practices within Wicca and Paganism. If you see anything incorrect, please let me know, as I value constructive feedback that can help improve the content. Additionally, if you want to see us cover a different type of Wicca or Paganism, please let us know. We could focus on its historical origins. We could also explore its rituals or the significance of the deities involved. Your opinion is essential in shaping our discussions and ensuring a comprehensive exploration of these rich and diverse spiritual paths.
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