Welcome (back) to Nyx’s Grove!

Welcome (back) to Nyx’s Grove!

Welcome! We are back, with a whole new website! Granted, that wasn’t fully our choice… We kind of let the website lapse and the whole thing ended up getting deleted without actually telling us…

SO, here we are! Back and better then ever!

We have the blog, the podcast, and the gaming YouTube channel, plus we have another business partner!

So again, WELCOME to the new and improved Nyx’s Grove!

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Hey! I'm Safire or Brett! I have been a mostly functional practicing Pagan for over a decade now. I am in a committed polyamorous relationship with a total of 5 children to our family. I handle more of the back end of Nyx's Grove, but I may pop onto the blog here and there, and you'll see me on The Witching Hour and HeathenGaming as well!
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