What is “Deity Deep Dive”?

What is “Deity Deep Dive”?

Hello everyone!  

We are about to start a journey into learning about gods and goddesses! Some may be new; some we may know a bunch about. This is for us here at Nyx’s Grove to learn as much about the deities that we research as possible and to hopefully help all of you to learn more as well. We are calling this adventure “Deity Deep Dive”.  

Deity Deep Dive will cover all sorts of deities, nothing is off limits to us to cover. Not that I’d know why any of them would be off limits in the first place, but still. We are going to hopefully cover ALL deities we can find eventually, one at a time.  

As of writing this, we have posts scheduled for Odin, Loki, Thor, Hel, Nyx, Erebus, Zeus, Freyja, and more!  

What deities would you like to see us talk about? Let us know in the comments below! 

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Hey! I'm Safire or Brett! I have been a mostly functional practicing Pagan for over a decade now. I am in a committed polyamorous relationship with a total of 5 children to our family. I handle more of the back end of Nyx's Grove, but I may pop onto the blog here and there, and you'll see me on The Witching Hour and HeathenGaming as well!
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