*This was written before I changed my magick name to SapphireFae*
For whatever reason when Safire and I were discussing topics to write about I volunteered to talk about magick names. I don’t remember why, but here we are.
A magick name, or witch name (I also found something about a “barbarous” name?) is something many Witches and other Pagans choose to use for their craft in one way, shape, or form. A good example, Safire Flame and Sapphire TerraFeather are our magick names. Historically these names were kept sacred and within a coven, only used during rituals or spell work. These days they’re used for all kinds of reasons. Many become pen names, or in my case usernames. Sometimes people pick magick names to use when working with various entities to not give their given names to dangerous beings. Some people feel their given names don’t fit with their craft, or for those who aren’t “out of the broom closet” (I’ve read that phrase in a couple places) it keeps their identity safe from exposure. There’s really no wrong reason to have a magick name.
Picking a magick name can either be easy, or hard as hell. I couldn’t find any “proper” or “traditional” format or blueprint to choosing one. We were told it was supposed to be your birthstone (hence Sapphire/Safire) and something you feel drawn to (TerraFeather, affinity for earth and angels, Flame, affinity for fire) but I can’t find anything else that says anything about what a magick name should look like. That being said, it’s not recommended to use a God or Goddess’s name for your magick name, and it really should be something that resonates with your spirit/soul.
Also remember, for you youngins out there, that there’s no shame in changing your magick name if you “outgrow” it. It is common for your magick name to change as you progress through life. When we were still new and learning, we were told that parents could give their babies magick names upon having their “wiccaning” at 3 months old, kind of like a christening, or a blessing on your child. Once that child reaches puberty, or just around their 13th birthday they can pick their own magick name during a coming-of-age rite. Then they could change it if they want once they reach adulthood. New parents could also pick new magick names to represent their new stage of life. This is what we were told, but I didn’t find anything like this when I was researching it. Either way though, there’s no shame in changing your magick name if you, like me, started becoming embarrassed by what you chose originally.
What about some tips or help for finding a magick name? Well, there’s the methodology of Safire’s and mine (fun fact, my husband half-jokingly picked Pearl Inferno for a magick name a couple months ago), or you could do something like my TerraFeather, an element joined with another aspect of your craft. You could search magical sounding baby names and keep looking till something resonates. If you really wanted to honor a particular God or Goddess you could find an alternate name that sounds similar, or you can just use the deity’s name and see what happens. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how you go about choosing, or what you choose.
I like using my magick name as a username on various sites because it’s easy to remember. It also keeps my social accounts sort of connected and easier to find across the different sites. I could also see myself using it as a pen name if I ever write/publish the book I’ve been plotting for the last four years. I do also use it in my spell work from time to time, just to keep things personal and to try and better focus my intent. What will you use yours for?
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